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  • What is a sustainable ministry?
    When we talk about the sustainable approach to ministry, we don’t necessarily have the environment in mind. Rather, DCA is focused on the sustainability of your mission and the stewardship of your resources. A ministry’s land or facility is typically their greatest financial asset. So why is it used so sparingly? A sustainable ministry serves the community through non-profit or for-profit business. While allowing a homeschool co-op or another church to use your building a few hours a week is great, we are talking about something different. The sustainable endeavors we recommend meet two criteria: 1) They must provide great opportunities to serve and interact with members of the wider community. 2) They must provide significant financial support to your ministry, freeing up tithes and offerings to contribute to your mission rather than staff salaries and building upkeep.
  • Should we go into debt, in order to build?
    The short answer is no. Even if you wanted to, it is increasingly difficult for ministries to get loans. After all, the promise of future tithes is not appealing to most banks. The truth is, it’s very hard to get folks excited about donations that pay the bills; people want to be involved in something that is making a difference. While we don’t recommend debt, we do recommend investing in your mission. By bringing together a variety of funding sources, we piece together a way forward that enables ministries to have a truly actionable plan for paying off any loans.
  • Do you do smaller projects, like additions, or renovations of existing facilities?
    Sure! It is often financially responsible to renovate an existing facility - whether that’s your current church facility or an empty storefront. It is important to us that your leadership team is able to consider all the options ahead and we are happy to be of assistance.
  • How much do your services cost?
    Drawing up architectural plans is fun, but we really aren’t interested in creating designs that will sit on a shelf. This is why we focus so much on vision and due diligence early on. Plus, our work is divided into phases, with each step including a separate contract with a price breakdown, depending on the scope of work. We have no interest in moving forward until you are ready. We take financial stewardship seriously. Indeed, it’s hard for us to get excited about a renovation or new facility if it’s going to saddle you with a hefty mortgage. After all, how can you focus on God’s call if you’re constantly distracted by paying the bills? We want to make your building work for you, not the other way around.
  • What do you mean when you say your designs are economical?
    Our designs take into account the entire lifecycle costs you will face. This means that we may specify certain mechanical systems, for example, that are slightly more expensive on the front-end but will pay for themselves quickly in terms of their maintenance and operation costs. In addition, we source you with opportunities for direct purchasing for many items - “furniture, fixtures, and equipment” as we say in the business. In our work with other partners on your project, we will also negotiate fair rates. This includes how work orders function, and what happens if there is a gap between the guaranteed maximum rate and actual expenses. We even get into the nitty gritty work of the bidding process with subcontractors. It is not an exaggeration to say that DCA’s fees are typically covered via the cost savings we provide.
  • What's the big picture idea of how this works?
    When DCA joins your team, we investigate the needs and opportunities in your community alongside you - asking how God is calling you to be a part of it. After assessing feasibility and completing due diligence, we’ll create a strategic plan and bring a team of consultants together (think general contractor, engineers, management companies, and funders) to bring this vision to life in the most economical way possible.
  • How do we get started?
    The best way to move forward is to reach out to Catherine to discuss (via email or phone) where your ministry is at and what’s ahead. There is no cost for these initial conversations as we determine if we are able to effectively serve you.
  • Is DCA a church consultant?
    Not really. DCA has gained a great deal of insight into ministries over the last 1,000 projects with them. We are happy to provide recommendations, tell stories, and be a resource. However, we are not a church consultant that focuses on techniques or takes surveys. We are experts in Christian church and school facilities, as well as innovative multi-use development.
  • How can I learn more?
    A great starting point is reading “10 Tsunamis Impacting Ministries.” Contact Catherine for a free copy, and stay tuned for a newly revised version to be released this year!
  • What is the DCA Method?
    Vision and Strategic Programming Schematic Design Connecting with Partners Design Development Project Management A more detailed description can be found on the services page.
  • Where do you hold architectural licenses?
    Throughout his career, Dan has held an architectural license in every contiguous state in the USA. David is also a licensed architect and is navigating each jurisdiction’s requirements.
  • Are you the only partner we need?
    Of course not! We do not intend to function outside of our expertise, but may offer insight based on our experience. Also, while we have cultivated a diversity of connections and partners that we may recommend, it is always important for you to get an outside, professional perspective, especially as it relates to financial, tax, and legal advice.
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